Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wordless Wednesday {11.26.14}
{Click on the photo above to be taken directly to the Linky Party!}
Happy Thanksgiving...almost! I hope you got the reference I was going for there. We worked so very hard this week on turkey activities in my classroom. One of our biggest projects was using the book Turkey Trouble. We disguised a turkey, wrote why it was the best disguise, typed our stories, and then translated our stories to Greek!!! This took us quite a bit of time, but my little sweeties were so excited to see their hard work in another language. Pictures coming soon. Hehe

Right now, for Wordless Wednesday I bring to you my vacation LOCATION! Can you guess where I am? What are you doing for the holiday??

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  1. Your vacation looks beautiful! Have fun!!

  2. I love your vacation destination and your blog name. I grew up on Sunnyside Ave. I'm going to guess you're in North Carolina.

  3. Thanks y'all! Stationed in NC, but home is in SC! Love being home! :)
