Monday, November 24, 2014

Mixed-Up Monday {11.24.14}

Welcome to my first link up! I am so excited to be hosting a linky party on my little blog.

In teaching we have so many things that we juggle weekly, daily, or even by the minute. This linky party allows us all to come together and share things about teaching or life in general.

Today, I would like to share with you my newest products. Many of you know about my SMARTIES Math Stations and how hard I've worked on them. I understand eight stations is a lot to undertake in a classroom. Therefore, my dear sweet friend Alicia, suggested shortening the stations to five. I could just HUG her!!! This weekend I spent time condensing and organizing my four color options to bring SMART Math Stations to you. All four will be free until after my workout this morning, and they will remain on sale through Thanksgiving! How often can you snag a Math Workstation pack for only $2.00?! Here are some screenshots of what you will get in these amazing packs (all this an more of course):

{Click on the picture above to be taken to my TPT store!}
{Click on the image above to be taken to my TPT store!}

Share your Mixed-Up Monday madness below!!!!

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