Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: We're Really Regrouping 10.21.14
 {Click on the photo above for a direct link back to the linky party}

Well is that time again. What time you ask? Well regrouping time of course! I learned a lot last year teaching second grade for the first time. I learned these little sweeties need lots of time and practice to get this concept down! In retrospect, I did not allow the students last year enough manipulation time in order to master the skill of regrouping. Therefore, we are taking things nice and slow this year. Maybe it is because I have an inclusion class this year, or maybe it is because I have become wiser with age (ah-hem), but time needs to be spent on mastery and not just covering everything on the pacing guide. Can I get an AMEN?!

I adjusted my plans this week to reflect a longer unit encompassing addition and subtraction with regrouping. We have spent two days on modeling tens and ones and modeling making a ten from ones. This visual using the document camera and SMART board really helped keep my students engaged and help them understand how to solve these types of problems. When I sent my sweeties to their seats to demonstrate their understanding using their own base ten blocks...well let's just say I was amazed and disappointed. I was amazed at how excited they were and how well they were doing, but I was disappointed that I did not take the time to do this with last year's class. Sigh!

The goal is to live and learn with these sweet kiddos I have this year. Inclusion is teaching me more and more about what's important...the needs of the students. 

So I ask you this...what are some of your most favorite ways to teach regrouping to your sweeties? Until next time...
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  1. When I taught third grade we always used base ten sets for regrouping. I had individual sets bagged so each student had their own! I have also been told that using a meter tape that has tens and one marked is a good idea!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  2. That is what I did as well. We modeled up on the board several times and then I walked around and conferred as they did it on their own. Friday we worked on what I call our Math Conversations where we explain to partners how to solve problems using all of the academic vocabulary we have learned. :)
