Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Sunday Scoop: Feltsie Firstie! 10.18.14

{Click on the photo above for a direct link back to the linky party}

Welcome back!

I know....two blog posts in a week! Whatever will you do?! Let's just say I am starting to get the hang of this blogging thing.

I feel like my lists could have been soooo much longer than what I typed. My to-do list is never ending. How does your list compare on the weekends?

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  1. Lesson plans and/or grading are always on my list along with laundry! My teacher bag has been staring at me since yesterday morning. I need to get to it today!
    Laughter and Consistency

    1. I know what you mean. My entire trunk is full of things I wanted to get to this weekend. Needless to say...everything is still in my trunk. HEHE!

  2. I have to plan my workouts too, or I won't do them! Unfortunately, I haven't worked out since I got pregnant - time to get my baby bump in gear!


    1. You should check out Ashley Horner. She is currently working on a program for expecting mommas. Her workouts can be pretty intense, but I love them and if you are already used to working out you would probably like it as well!

  3. Workout?? What is that j/k Good for you! I hope to get that going again...someday ;)

    1. You just have to do it! :) It takes time for sure, and after I injured my back about a month ago getting back into it is so hard to do!

  4. Nothing above surprises me! I know you all too well!!! Ha ha!!! You'll get it all done today, it's so nice outside that I have all the windows opened & a fall candle lit!!! I wish everyday was like this! xoxo

  5. A co-worker and I have tried to workout here and there but can't seem to stay with it. Do you have a workout schedule that seems to work? I would love to find something we could stick to. Also, I love all your posts on your blog. I am procrastinating on finishing lesson plans and grading.

  6. Niacole,

    What lesson plans? LOL! Thanks for your kind words, I only have 9 followers so it feels like no one reads what I post sometimes. :) It is hard to stick to working out, but I have made it a priority. I think no matter what regimen you choose you have to make sure that is your time and no one else's. I was doing Ashley Horner's Pipehitter program which follows along with Crossfit style workouts, but after injuring my back I think I am going to go back to some videos and just running for a while. I am working hard right now on flexibility and mobility to make sure I do no injure myself again. What are you interested in and I may be able to steer you in the right direction...
