Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Sunday Scoop: {10.26.14}

The Sunday Scoop Linky Party
{Click on the image above to be taken to the Linky Party!}

Here is my Sunday Scoop for this week. Lesson plans always seem to be at the top of my list. I was very optimistic yesterday in my plans for this weekend up until I had to spend the last several hours updating all of my blog posts because SOMEONE decided it would be a good idea to delete pictures of her drive in order to free up some space and avoid paying for extra storage. Sooooo...there's that!

Now I am back in routine and ready to plan for this next week. I am looking forward to next week because of our PUMPKIN PALOOZA. I bet you are too!! What do you have planned for your little sweeties?

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  1. A blog binder is something I've been thinking of doing! Please share when you do :)


  2. I bought mine!!! I loved Ashley Schroeder's blog binder and organizing files so I snagged them. I am still trying to put the finishing touches on my biggest product yet, so no time to create my own binder. ;)
