Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall Favorites Blog Hop

Happy Fall Y'all!!!

I am so excited to be a part of another cool blog hop. In this blog hop I am linking up with some amazing bloggers as we all go through and talk about our Fall Favorites.

I have said it before, but I will say it again... I L-O-V-E FALL Y'ALL!!! While I may not decorate my mantle and go crazy on decorations like my friend, Dianna at Sassy, Savvy, Simple Teaching, I do love everything about Fall. The cooler weather, the jeans and BOOTS, scarves, pink cheeks on my munchkins, and FOOTBALL!!!!! Check out the decorations I typically do around my home. Our poor little scarecrows that symbolize our three munchkins have not held up very nicely, but the kiddos have managed to improvise to make sure they are all out in front of the house for the Fall season.

I have already posted so many of my Fall Favorites from school in posts this week, but I wanted to share my bulletin board with you:

Because I teach at a Magnet School of Technology and Innovation, I am always looking for ways my little sweeties can actively interact with technology. Here, we read snippets of stories and made QR codes. Parents were able to scan their child's QR code during a recent Back to School Night and hear their child reading. Parents were so excited to experience this activity with their child.

My husband is currently away running the Spartan Beast this weekend in South Carolina and all I can think about is a family message board. Fall always means projects to me for some reason. Take a peak at what I plan to head to Lowe's for a little later today or tomorrow...and yes it is because I am procrastinating writing lesson plans!

Thank you for stopping by today to see some of my Fall Favorites. Head on over to my little TPT Store to snag my items during my fall sale. 10% off my products until Monday! Enjoy!!!

{Click on the image above to go directly to my store}

Hop on over to Kelsey's blog at Aloha to Second to see some of her amazing Fall Favorites!

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  1. How did you do the QR codes with your students reading? I love the idea!!! I would love to know more about this!

  2. How do you create the QR reading codes?

  3. Thank you, Amber. Love the QR Code ideas.

  4. Awww thanks! Well.....HEHE! It was a very tedious process because the program I was using first did not work correctly. Basically you just need to use a program that allows you to record the sound and then create a QR code. I ended up using but there are several programs out there. I then copied each kiddos QR code right then into a word document and printed it out for our board. If I would have had more time I could have prettied it up a bit. :) Hope that helps y'all!

  5. Your house and room look great! Love the reading tree!

  6. Love this post! Where did you get the cleaning lists for daily,weekly,? It looks like it would make it easy to do and follow!

    1. I got that picture off of Pinterest. I will be doing this in the coming weekends. I haven't don't it yet, though. I looked to see if it was linked to a DIY tutorial but sadly it wasn't. I will definitely keep you posted when I get all the materials. I am thinking this weekend. :)
