Friday, October 16, 2015

{Tricks & Treats} BLOG HOP with The Elementary Entourage!

Welcome to the Elementary Entourage's Tricks & Treats Blog Hop. I hope you are enjoying yourself this Friday!! Thank you so much for stopping by to check out some of my Tricks and Treats here at The Sunny Side of Second Grade.

For those of you who are new, welcome! For those of you who have been faithful followers, thank you so much for sticking with me. I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather as we enter into fall, a favorite season for most of us! I know I am enjoying the cooler weather because it means scarves, boots, and a real excuse for me to drink coffee ALL DAY LONG...

Most of you already know that I teach second grade at a year round school. We started our year in July and just finished our first week back with students after our Fall Intersession. I have found that I am already having to reach into my bag of tricks to maintain my sanity! Don't worry traditional calendar teachers, if you aren't there now .... you will be soon.

One of my all time favorite tricks of the trade to maintain sanity during the beginning of the sugar rush season is Go Noodle.

So many new and experienced teachers have chosen to become a Go Noodle classroom, and if you haven't yet, please check them out. This website provides brain breaks for students. It is a well-known fact that students need periods of rest in between stretches of learning. This website allows them to actively rest through dance, song, and relaxation.

Each week, I set up my SMART Notebook file for my classroom. After I segment the week into daily sections for the content I intend to teach {please note the word intend know}, I place pages along the way where I believe students will need a brain break. You should hear the excitement when the SMART notebook page flips and Go Noodle shows. It is an instant reward!

I have found that if I schedule them throughout the day, then we do them more. Go Noodle makes me happy and we all know Happy teacher = happy students!
Now what are some tricks of the trade without a treat to go with it. I have designed a product just for this blog hop, and my first ever Halloween themed product. If you need some math review in your classroom, then this just might be the product for you. I think this would work nicely as independent work, morning work, in centers, you name it! Click on the image below to snag your freebie from my store, and please don't forget to leave some love! :) A follow here, there, and everywhere is always a plus! Happy Haunting!

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  1. I also set up my smart board for the week! I love your Monster Mash math product! I'm your newest follower.

  2. I would have never thought to use my Smart board like this!! How do you set this up?? Sounds neat!!
