Friday, November 21, 2014

Five for Friday {11.21.14}

Hey there friends! Another Friday means another....
{Click the photo above to be taken directly to the Linky Party!}

Has everyone's week before Thanksgiving been crazy? I know mine has!
{Click on the photo above to be taken directly to our blog}
 To start off the week I made my first post to a collaborative blog I am proud to be a part of. If you haven't checked us out yet, head on over to The Elementary Entourage. We are currently talking about Teaching Ideas to be Thankful For. You may see some of your names and ideas there...

This week I have made it a priority above all else to meet with my groups in all subject areas. The only way this has been possible is by properly utilizing my SMARTIES Math Rounds Management System and my still in design READING Rounds Management System. The books above have been challenging and engaging for my students. They have loved them, and the connections are flowing! If you have access to PearsonSuccessNet, I highly recommend checking out their Leveled Readers.

Earlier this week Miss DeCarbo over at Second Grade Sugar and Spice posted about her organization methods. If you haven't checked it out, it is definitely worth the read. As I am reading it, I found myself saying, "Hey I have that planner!" Schroeder Shenanigans in Second hit the nail on the head with this planner. It is editable so you can enter your own items and print weekly to keep yourself on track. The title is also editable so if you need it to say something different it absolutely can. I used it this week for the first time thanks to Miss DeCarbo, and I feel like I am already ready for next week, albeit a short week! I still can't function without my EC Planner though.

After using it this year, I am thinking about designing my own for next year so that it includes absolutely everything I need with the ease of the 3-ring binder. Yes, I am already thinking about next year...

This week has been filled with lots of turkey fun, and I cannot wait to continue learning about everything Thanksgiving next week. Next week we will be decorating the halls with our Turkey Disguise writing, completing our turkey craftivity, and I am even considering having parents come in to read Thanksgiving books with their child. All this, and I am still racking my brain to figure out how to bring in global learning...more specifically about our country of study {Greece}. Feel free to leave your recommendations below! :)

My sweet husband is off to Maryland this morning to run the JFK 50! Yes, 50 MILES! I have no words and am at a loss to explain why he would EVER consider doing this, but there ya have it. And all he is leaving me with is his stinking cold! So what will I do while he is gone this weekend?

First, I plan to finish sanding and painting this baby white. You will have to stay tuned to see what I plan to do with it.

Next, I plan on drafting my READING rounds product (suggestions on clipart/design welcome) and shortening SMARTIES to SMART for those who would not like quite as many centers.

All this on top of taking fall photographs of my dear sweet nephews and my three little sweeties and a birthday party on Sunday. Whew! Which reminds me... a friend suggested maybe I should sell my stock photos. If you have been following me you know I love taking pictures. Let me know what you think of the photos I posted on The Elementary Entourage. What would you pay for stock photos?

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  1. 50 miles...I guess in that case, he can eat whatever he wants at Thanksgiving and not feel Hope he does well--and good luck finishing those projects while he's away. I get so much work done when my boys are gone...:)

  2. I also read Miss DeCarbo's post and LOVE that checklist, though mine is shocking hot pink so I can't lose it. I'd love to say I'm half as organized as she is...
    BTW, love your blog design!
    On the Go Teacher Mama

    1. Thanks Suzy! I love the country girl feel of it. My designer is amazing!

  3. Maybe it's just a teacher thing, but I love planners and checklist and sticky notes everywhere, lol! Your week is similar to ours. I need to post about our Turkeys in Disguise as well. Have a fantastic weekend!

    Corinna (✿◠‿◠)
    Surfin' Through Second

    1. I definitely think teachers love them some planners and organization! How else would we be able to struggle the day-to-day mess? :) Can't wait to see your Turkeys in Disguise activities.

  4. Can't wait to see what you do with the pallet. The week before Thanksgiving is always crazy, whether you are teaching or not. My daughter's school is having their literacy week this week and she needs a different costume for each day this week. The Bahamians do not celebrate Thanksgiving. Oh well! It's all for the love of reading so I'm off to find some things she needs later on today.
    Joya :)

    1. I should have the pallet done before we leave for Thanksgiving...I hope. I started painting it yesterday and decided to wait so that my husband could show me how to use the paint sprayer. :) Take lots of pictures!!!!
