Sunday, August 3, 2014

New Product ALERT!!: Let's Get Visual!

I have been working hard on figuring out ways to reach my new sweeties, and had an Ah Ha moment last week!
I told my babes...Go to your seats, grab a pencil, write your name, color, cut, then glue. I got ALL SORTS of "Say whaaaat?" stares, and I thought...oh wait! Maybe I should slow down a bit. I broke the directions down one by one for my class and that seemed to help, but they needed a little more. They needed to be able to look up and have a visual reminder!
DUH! Amber you taught ELL students for two years. YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS!

So I sat down and started making some visual directions for them. Do you want a peek? Of course you do!

{Click on the image above to go directly to my TPT store. Don't forget to leave feedback!}

So head on over to my store, leave feedback, follow me, and be on the lookout for the full product coming soon!!!

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  1. Always need help teaching directions! Thank you!

  2. I am glad you like it. Feel free to send me any ideas you have about other products you would be interested in! :)
