Friday, June 20, 2014

Greetings from NC...and the World!!!

Hello friends! Welcome to my blog. I am new at this so please bear with me. When asked for help, my friend, Ashley, from Schroeder Shenanigans in Second responded with, "Introduce yourself! What inspired you to be a teacher?!" See, I had no idea what to write in my first blog, and I needed reinforcements. Originally the thought of writing an online journal of sorts was strange. The more I began following blogs, interacting with teacher bloggers, and branching out to create products for TPT, the more blogging just seemed like a natural fit. So... here goes....

[Pay no mind to the post-conference traveling look]

Hi! My name is Amber Felts, and I have been a teacher for three years. Over the course of three years I have taught K for two and now 2nd for one full year. Let's just say primary is my thang (GA girl over herrr baby)! I am a USMC spouse (12 years) and a mommy to three amazing human beings...and two canine babies! What say?

My first two years of teaching were spent in Southern California in the lovely little town of Twentynine Palms. Lovely in its own way, I will admit. I taught half day Kindergarten and half day as an English Language Learner educator. I could not have asked for a better school and teaching experience to begin my teaching career. During my time in CA I had the opportunity and privilege to attend the National I Teach K conference. This was an absolute invaluable experience! In addition, my district paid for an observation where I got to travel and observe Hadar from Miss-Kindergarten teach her class. I must admit I was a little star struck!

I spent this last year learning and teaching the Common Core in the great state of North Carolina. I work at a magnet school for technology and innovation teaching second graders. I thought I would never want to leave kindergarten, but after teaching second grade for a year, I am convinced I will always teach second! Next year is already proving to be challenging, with the possible dissolution of common core and the adoption of new state standards, I sense many late nights in my future. I am blessed to have a a great team, amazing friends and family, and a blossoming social network full of resources so I do not foresee this transition being stressful.

Errrrr!!! Forgot the inspirational story! Let's go back to what inspired me to become an educator. I am fairly certain I do not have a picture of me in the womb, so let's just say I have always wanted to be a teacher. I was always playing school and pretending to be the teacher as a poor sister and Barbie dolls! In high school I was presented with the opportunity to become a Teacher Cadet. This program took me to a whole new level. I was able to actually teach students while I was in high school! But.....then I got married and a had a couple kiddos so my dream of becoming a teacher didn't become a reality until I went back to college for my Masters in Elementary Education.

So what am I doing now?

Currently, I am at the WorldView conference in Chapel Hill. I am learning many things surrounding globalization, global initiatives in education, and how to become a global leader. Monday was spent with Tim Flood discussing communication styles in both a team setting and a global setting, and the five dimensions of culture. If you ever get a chance to meet him you in luck. He is global education meets Dane Cook!!! Love him. We spent Tuesday discussing Europe, America post meltdown with Peter Brews, and then Dr. Jim Johnson presented disruptive demographics and inequality in America using 2010 census data. Can we just say EYE OPENING! Wednesday was  filled with current and past events in regions around the world to include the Middle East, China, Cuba, and the African diaspora. The most intriguing thing I have taken away from Wednesday is the push for universal education in order to increase educational opportunities for girls around the world. Thursday's speakers had us engaged the entire day with concepts surrounding the second World War, challenges and responsibilities the United States faces, and international terrorism.

While the days at the World View Global Leaders Program were long and full of intense topics and discussions, the reception on Thursday and the Farewell Luncheon today proved to me the amazing support system that encompasses the education field. In a room filled with educators ranging from K-Post Secondary, we were all equals. And we were all equally excited to lead the education field in our global initiatives. Now off to spread the love!

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  1. Welcome! Very nice to meet you, Amber! I trach second grade, and have for 15 years! I love it, too! I taught Kindergarten for two years before that. I work closely with a special ed teacher in my inclusion classroom. Oh, and I have one more week of school!

  2. Oh my goodness! I cannot believe you have one more week of school. I was so exhausted the last week of school, so I can only imagine how you are feeling right now! We are going to be following a reading inclusion and co-teaching model beginning in July...I will keep you in mind for the many questions I am sure I will have. It is very nice to meet you! Thank you for the reply!!

  3. Amber!!! You are too cute! I loved having you come visit me! It was seriously one of the highlights of that year…haha! So glad you are blogging now!
